Saturday, November 2, 2019

Diversity Case Analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Diversity Analysis - Case Study Example To deal with situations like that of Tyson's, a parent in-service program will be organized. This program will include education to parents about the children at risk where action is not taken when problems are first seen. The school will call medical specialists including several psychologists that would clearly explain the importance of treatment of these symptoms early on n the lives of the children so that they can live a normal and health life. The most important objective of this parent in-service program would be to convince the parents to allow certain actions to be taken when these problems are identified and that it is not a cause of alarm for the parents as everything will end up fine if timely action is taken. Tyson is a new second grade student at Kanner Elementary School, considered to be the best elementary school in the district. He previously attended a private school and is having problems adjusting in his new class. His teacher has informed the principal about the kinds of difficulties Tyson is facing, and has asked for proper guidance to the way he should be handled. The principal has been at her designation for the last two years and never had any administration experience before that. Kanner Elementary School contains children having a variety of ethnic backgrounds, and houses a large population of children from poor families. The community is very supportive to the school. Tyson's father thinks that there is nothing wrong with his son, although a neurologist diagnosed him as having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. He was not cooperative with the principal of either this school or the previous one. He might come to the school with his wife for a conference, and they bot h think Tyson might again need a change of school. (Ubben; Hughes; Norris, 2001) 2) Identify the problem in a single sentence. Tyson is having difficulties adjusting in his new class but his father is not at all helpful in changing this fact, and wants to change his school a second time. 3) Select significant information and categorize it according

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