Saturday, March 21, 2020

England Labor Report 1800s essays

England Labor Report 1800s essays Our country is in a very diabolical state. We are going through a Jurassic change. We are moving along the roads of improvement along with falling down hill in some areas. Our industries are heightening but one thing we haven't come to mind about is the workers and there conditions. We shield our selves from what the workers go through. On may take a step into a factory and truly realize the horror. They see the face of suffering and pain. People are treated like dirt. They work for unlimited hours in an environment to what seems like a mud pit. The puddles of green water and the muddy uncovered floors, along with the cramping space is a true suffering. Working all day long in what seems to be the vast out limits of hell. The harsh conditions in the many industrial towns of England need to be fixed. The overall poverty level has heightened as well as the death rate for persons under 50. Many have come to investigate these poor conditions and yet nothing has been done to stop them, or improve them. Most industrious city's have relied on the poor to do the dirty work. This is totally based upon the working conditions in the many factories located all across towns in England. The factories are so dirty and unclean, it's like a pig sty. You would think that that the people inside the factories threw dirt around all day long. The dirt and unclean conditions have effected the health of many. In such harsh conditions how is one suppose to work? Not only is the condition of the factories effecting the workers health, the lack of food and water is also. Workers have to get through the day with getting little or possibly no food, and many of the workers had to eat the food and work at the same time. The food would then get all dirty, thus causing more health problems. The drinking water was found to be contaminated with dangerous bacteria's and several diseases. All these queries have a multitude of evidence to support it. These are only so...

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