Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Raymond case Free Essays

Does this vary between regional broker/dealers and warehouses? Why? Why do some pay front money and others don’t? Why Isn’t front money paid to Independent contractors? NAS. The guidance of an investment professional is essential to successful financial planning. Financial advisors play a vital role in helping individual investors reach their financial goals. We will write a custom essay sample on Raymond case or any similar topic only for you Order Now Advisors can help the clients make informed decisions by understanding the client’s goals, recommend solutions and make sure that the client’s portfolio stays on track. Yes, it varies between regional brokers/dealers and roughhouses. Financial Advisors In Warehouses offered Investment advice and charged commissions on a trade of between 1% and 2. 5%, depending on products sold. They have access to wide variety of products to deal with as they are a part of a warehouse. Financial Advisors in regional broker/dealers offered little in the way of advice and charged significantly lower commissions. The products and the assets that they manage is relatively low. Firms that recruit from other competitor firms pay front money to attract Flanagan advisors to work for their firms. In some cases, even inexperienced but potential candidates too are given front money to lure them to their firm. However, certain firms like Merrill Lynch prefer to hire fresh new financial advisors and train them rather than pay front money which costs a lot. Independent contractors are not paid any front money as they are given mostly an independent charge on the assets they manage and the products they buy and sell. Indeed it is like running their own business under a bigger umbrella and one does not get paid front money to run his own business. . How does RUG make sure the â€Å"right† FAST end up in RAJA vs.. ROSS? Which FAST would be the right targets for Quasi? How would you make sure that they select the Quasi option? Who would not be right for Quasi? How would you make sure they don’t select Quasi? NAS. RUG made sure that the right Fast end up In RAJA from Its recruitment process which focuses on different pool of candidates when compared with ROSS. RAJA recrui tment process happens completely In a decentralized way with branch managers taking the responsibility for filling the positions. RAJA typically hires senior hires from a rigorous who wish to have more control in terms of products and services they offer to clients which was not possible in their career stint with warehouses. Here the focus would be on hiring FAST from Warehouses as they are used to the rules and regulations, sales culture. Also there is a financial penalty established If a FAA wish to leave RAJA for ROSS. ROSS recruitment process follows a different approach. They advertise in trade magazines and also take referrals from existing ROSS Fast about the brokers at other firms and follow up on these leads for recruiting. ROSS look for FAST ho are self-driven. Apart from the technical analysis job, they look for people who have an inclination towards entrepreneurship. They will have the option to make strategies, decide on staff, hiring, etc. It is more like an individual business. The FAST of ROSS can be given an option to select the Quasi option without any restrictions as the probability of them Joining is less and also if someone from ROSS is keen on Joining Quasi they should be welcome as ROSS is a riskier business and should be handled by people with self-belief. The Fast from RAJA can be allowed to elect the Quasi option with some limitations as it is not advisable to disturb the present system which is in place and also as we have a large potential recruits to lure with this scheme from the whorehouses who neither wishes to become an independent broker/dealer nor like to stick to their current Job profile. The portion of candidates from whorehouses forms the apt targets for Quasi. We can make sure that the above targeted candidates Join the Quasi option by giving them all the benefits that a full time employee gets and if required providing front money without heeling out too much money. The top producers of RAJA and RAJA are not right for Quasi as it affects these branches. We can make sure that they don’t select Quasi only by interacting and get to know first about what they think of such a scheme. If some of the top producers show interest then they can be counseled and can remind them of their contributions in their current role and how they are chosen as top producers in the domain. We can transparently let them know of what the firm is planning for the top producers and what is in store for their career in the current vertical. How to cite Raymond case, Papers

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